Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby Predictor - Chinese Baby Predictor - Chinese Baby Calendar - Chinese Baby Calendar

Chinese Baby Predictor - Baby Predictor - Chinese Gender Calendar - Chinese Baby Calendar

Gender selection of children has always been a quite controversial topic, mainly in terms of genetic therapy and the ethical "rights" and 'wrongs" of wanting to choose the sex of your child. Although there certainly has been advances in the field of modern genetics, there are really some natural and completely ethical things that you can do that will increase the likelihood of selecting a gender for your child.

While no method is 100% foolproof, if you are determined to have a boy or a girl, there are a few things that can be done to significantly increase your chances of conceiving the gender of your choice. Keep in mind that the most important thing is to have a healthy baby, regardless of their gender. But if you do want to go ahead to pick the gender of your child, it is really possible. Here's what you need to know.


Differences in Sperm

The sperm that carry the Y chromosome are the "boy" sperms, while the ones that carry the X chromosome are the "girl" sperms. The Y sperm are faster, smaller, more agile but they do not last as long as the "girl" sperm. The X sperm are bigger and move quite slowly. In addition to their overall speed, they have different preferences in terms of the acidity of the vagina and cervix. An X sperm does better in an acidic environment while the Y sperm prefer an alkaline environment.

How These Differences Affect Conception

So now that we have found the differences between the sperm that carry different chromosomes, it is key to understand how these differences can be used for natural gender selection. Once you and your partner have this information, you can begin attempting to conceive a child that will be a specific gender.

If you want to have a boy, the timing is crucial. Since these sperm do not live long, it is vital to time your intercourse as closely to ovulation as possible. This gives the Y sperm time to reach the egg before the X sperm do, increasing the chances that you will have a boy.

Chinese Baby Predictor - Baby Predictor - Chinese Gender Calendar - Chinese Baby Calendar


If you want to have a girl, you need to give the X sperm plenty of time to reach the egg. Since they survive a bit longer, this means that you want to time intercourse a few days before your expected ovulation. By the time you ovulate, the Y sperm will have already died off, leaving only the X sperm behind. They will have the time needed to travel up through the cervix to reach the egg and fertilize it.

Check out more in the link below. It provides you with further detailed information. Preferably use IE (internet explorer) to open the link!

CLICK here  Chinese Baby Predictor - Baby Predictor - Chinese Gender Calendar - Chinese Baby Calendar


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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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